
class noggin.plotter.LivePlot(metrics: Union[str, Sequence[str], Dict[str, Union[str, numbers.Real, Sequence[numbers.Real], None]], Dict[str, Dict[str, Union[str, numbers.Real, Sequence[numbers.Real], None]]]], max_fraction_spent_plotting: float = 0.05, last_n_batches: Optional[int] = None, nrows: Optional[int] = None, ncols: int = 1, figsize: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None)[source]

Records and plots batch-level and epoch-level summary statistics of the training and testing metrics of a model during a session.

The rate at which the plot is updated is controlled by max_fraction_spent_plotting.

The maximum number of batches to be included in the plot is controlled by last_n_batches.


Live plotting is only supported for the ‘nbAgg’ backend (i.e. when the cell magic %matplotlib notebook is invoked in a jupyter notebook).


Returns the current size of the figure in inches.


The maximum number of batches to be plotted at any given time.


The maximum fraction of time spent plotting.


The color associated with each of the train/test and batch/epoch-level metrics.


A tuple of all the metric names


The figure-instance of the plot, and the axis-instance for each metric.


The batch and epoch data for each test-metric.


The batch and epoch data for each train-metric.


from_dict(plotter_dict) Records the state of the plotter in a dictionary.
plot(plot_batches) Plot the logged data.
set_test_batch(metrics, numbers.Real], …) Record batch-level measurements for test-metrics.
set_test_epoch() Record and plot an epoch for the test-metrics.
set_train_batch(metrics, numbers.Real], …) Record batch-level measurements for train-metrics, and (optionally) plot them.
set_train_epoch() Record and plot an epoch for the train-metrics.
show() Calls
to_dict() Records the state of the plotter in a dictionary.
to_xarray(train_or_test) Returns xarray datasets for the batch-level and epoch-level metrics, respectively, for either the train-metrics or test-metrics.
__init__(metrics: Union[str, Sequence[str], Dict[str, Union[str, numbers.Real, Sequence[numbers.Real], None]], Dict[str, Dict[str, Union[str, numbers.Real, Sequence[numbers.Real], None]]]], max_fraction_spent_plotting: float = 0.05, last_n_batches: Optional[int] = None, nrows: Optional[int] = None, ncols: int = 1, figsize: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None)[source]
metrics : Union[str, Sequence[str], Dict[str, valid-color], Dict[str, Dict[‘train’/’test’, valid-color]]]

The name, or sequence of names, of the metric(s) that will be plotted.

metrics can also be a dictionary, specifying the colors used to plot the metrics. Two mappings are valid:

  • ‘<metric-name>’ -> color-value (specifies train-metric color only)
  • ‘<metric-name>’ -> {‘train’/’test’ : color-value}
max_fraction_spent_plotting : float, optional (default=0.05)

The maximum fraction of time spent plotting. The default value is 0.5, meaning that no more than 5% of processing time will be spent plotting, on average.

last_n_batches : Optional[int]

The maximum number of batches to be plotted at any given time. If None, all data will be plotted.

nrows : Optional[int]

Number of rows of the subplot grid. Metrics are added in row-major order to fill the grid.

ncols : int, optional, default: 1

Number of columns of the subplot grid. Metrics are added in row-major order to fill the grid.

figsize : Optional[Sequence[float, float]]

Specifies the width and height, respectively, of the figure.


__init__(metrics, Sequence[str], Dict[str, …)
from_dict(plotter_dict) Records the state of the plotter in a dictionary.
plot(plot_batches) Plot the logged data.
set_test_batch(metrics, numbers.Real], …) Record batch-level measurements for test-metrics.
set_test_epoch() Record and plot an epoch for the test-metrics.
set_train_batch(metrics, numbers.Real], …) Record batch-level measurements for train-metrics, and (optionally) plot them.
set_train_epoch() Record and plot an epoch for the train-metrics.
show() Calls
to_dict() Records the state of the plotter in a dictionary.
to_xarray(train_or_test) Returns xarray datasets for the batch-level and epoch-level metrics, respectively, for either the train-metrics or test-metrics.


figsize Returns the current size of the figure in inches.
last_n_batches The maximum number of batches to be plotted at any given time.
max_fraction_spent_plotting The maximum fraction of time spent plotting.
metric_colors The color associated with each of the train/test and batch/epoch-level metrics.
metrics A tuple of all the metric names
plot_objects The figure-instance of the plot, and the axis-instance for each metric.
test_metrics The batch and epoch data for each test-metric.
train_metrics The batch and epoch data for each train-metric.