Source code for noggin.utils

from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict, namedtuple
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
from custom_inherit import doc_inherit

from noggin.logger import LiveLogger
from noggin.plotter import LivePlot
from noggin.typing import Axes, Figure, LiveMetrics, Metrics, ValidColor, ndarray

__all__ = ["create_plot", "save_metrics", "load_metrics"]

[docs]@doc_inherit(LivePlot.__init__, style="numpy") def create_plot( metrics: Metrics, max_fraction_spent_plotting: float = 0.05, last_n_batches: Optional[int] = None, nrows: Optional[int] = None, ncols: int = 1, figsize: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None, ) -> Tuple[LivePlot, Figure, ndarray]: """ Create matplotlib figure/axes, and a live-plotter, which publishes "live" training/testing metric data, at a batch and epoch level, to the figure. Returns ------- Tuple[liveplot.LivePlot, matplotlib.figure.Figure, numpy.ndarray(matplotlib.axes.Axes)] (LivePlot-instance, figure, array-of-axes) Examples -------- Creating a live plot in a Jupyter notebook >>> %matplotlib notebook >>> import numpy as np >>> from noggin import create_plot, save_metrics >>> metrics = ["accuracy", "loss"] >>> plotter, fig, ax = create_plot(metrics) >>> for i, x in enumerate(np.linspace(0, 10, 100)): ... # training ... x += np.random.rand(1)*5 ... batch_metrics = {"accuracy": x**2, "loss": 1/x**.5} ... plotter.set_train_batch(batch_metrics, batch_size=1, plot=True) ... ... # cue training epoch ... if i%10 == 0 and i > 0: ... plotter.plot_train_epoch() ... ... # cue test-time computations ... for x in np.linspace(0, 10, 5): ... x += (np.random.rand(1) - 0.5)*5 ... test_metrics = {"accuracy": x**2} ... plotter.set_test_batch(test_metrics, batch_size=1) ... plotter.plot_test_epoch() ... ... plotter.plot() # ensures final data gets plotted Saving the logged metrics >>> save_metrics("./metrics.npz", plotter) # save metrics to numpy-archive """ live_plotter = LivePlot( metrics, max_fraction_spent_plotting=max_fraction_spent_plotting, last_n_batches=last_n_batches, figsize=figsize, ncols=ncols, nrows=nrows, ) fig, ax = live_plotter.plot_objects return live_plotter, fig, ax
[docs]def save_metrics( path: Union[str, Path], liveplot: Optional[Union[LivePlot, LiveLogger]] = None, *, train_metrics: LiveMetrics = None, test_metrics: LiveMetrics = None ): """ Save live-plot metrics to a numpy zipped-archive (.npz). A LivePlot-instance can be supplied, or train/test metrics can be passed explicitly to the function. Parameters ---------- path: PathLike The file-path used to save the archive. E.g. 'path/to/saved_metrics.npz' liveplot : Optional[noggin.LivePlot] The LivePlot instance whose metrics will be saves. train_metrics : Optional[OrderedDict[str, Dict[str, numpy.ndarray]]]] '<metric-name>' -> {'batch_data' -> array, 'epoch_domain' -> array, 'epoch_data' -> array} test_metrics : Optional[OrderedDict[str, Dict[str, numpy.ndarray]]]] '<metric-name>' -> {'batch_data' -> array, 'epoch_domain' -> array, 'epoch_data' -> array}""" if liveplot is not None: train_metrics = liveplot.train_metrics test_metrics = liveplot.test_metrics else: if train_metrics is None: train_metrics = {} if test_metrics is None: test_metrics = {} # use unique separator sep = ";" names = "".join(tuple(train_metrics) + tuple(test_metrics)) while sep in names: sep += ";" # flatten metrics to single mapping save_dict = {} # train/test;metric_name;metric_data -> array for type_, metrics in zip(["train", "test"], [train_metrics, test_metrics]): for name, metric in metrics.items(): save_dict.update({sep.join((type_, name, k)): v for k, v in metric.items()}) with open(path, "wb") as f: np.savez( f, train_order=list(train_metrics), test_order=list(test_metrics), sep=sep, **save_dict )
metrics = namedtuple("metrics", ["train", "test"])
[docs]def load_metrics(path: Union[str, Path]) -> Tuple[LiveMetrics, LiveMetrics]: """ Load noggin metrics from a numpy archive. Parameters ---------- path : PathLike Path to numpy archive. Returns ------- Tuple[OrderedDict[str, Dict[str, numpy.ndarray]], OrderedDict[str, Dict[str, numpy.ndarray]]] (train-metrics, test-metrics)""" def recursive_default_dict(): return defaultdict(recursive_default_dict) out = recursive_default_dict() with np.load(path) as f: data_dict = dict(f) train_order = list(data_dict.pop("train_order")) test_order = list(data_dict.pop("test_order")) sep = data_dict.pop("sep").item() for k, v in data_dict.items(): if v.ndim == 0: v = v.item() type_, metric_name, data_type = k.split(sep) out[type_][metric_name][data_type] = v train_metrics = OrderedDict(((k, dict(out["train"][k])) for k in train_order)) test_metrics = OrderedDict(((k, dict(out["test"][k])) for k in test_order)) return metrics(train_metrics, test_metrics)
[docs]def plot_logger( logger: LiveLogger, plot_batches: bool = True, last_n_batches: Optional[int] = None, colors: Optional[Dict[str, Union[ValidColor, Dict[str, ValidColor]]]] = None, nrows: Optional[int] = None, ncols: int = 1, figsize: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None, ) -> Tuple[LivePlot, Figure, Union[Axes, np.ndarray]]: """Plots the data recorded by a :class:`~noggin.logger.LiveLogger` instance. Converts the logger to an instance of :class:`~noggin.plotter.LivePlot`. Parameters ---------- logger : LiveLogger The logger whose train/test-split batch/epoch-level data will be plotted. plot_batches : bool, optional (default=True) If ``True`` include batch-level data in plot. last_n_batches : Optional[int] The maximum number of batches to be plotted at any given time. If ``None``, all of the data will be plotted. colors : Optional[Dict[str, Union[ValidColor, Dict[str, ValidColor]]]] ``colors`` can be a dictionary, specifying the colors used to plot the metrics. Two mappings are valid: - '<metric-name>' -> color-value (specifies train-metric color only) - '<metric-name>' -> {'train'/'test' : color-value} If ``None``, default colors are used in the plot. nrows : Optional[int] Number of rows of the subplot grid. Metrics are added in row-major order to fill the grid. ncols : int, optional, default: 1 Number of columns of the subplot grid. Metrics are added in row-major order to fill the grid. figsize : Optional[Sequence[float, float]] Specifies the width and height, respectively, of the figure. Returns ------- Tuple[LivePlot, Figure, Union[Axes, np.ndarray]] The resulting plotter, matplotlib-figure, and axis (or array of axes) """ if not isinstance(logger, LiveLogger): raise TypeError( "`logger` must be an instance of `noggin.LiveLogger`, got {}".format(logger) ) metrics = sorted( set(list(logger.train_metrics.keys()) + list(logger.test_metrics.keys())) ) plotter = LivePlot( metrics, max_fraction_spent_plotting=0.0, last_n_batches=last_n_batches, nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, figsize=figsize, ) plotter.last_n_batches = last_n_batches if colors is not None: plotter.metric_colors = colors plotter_dict = plotter.to_dict() plotter_dict.update(logger.to_dict()) plotter = LivePlot.from_dict(plotter_dict) plotter.plot(plot_batches=plot_batches) fig, ax = plotter.plot_objects return plotter, fig, ax